Research and develop a case study that supports the benefits of mental health and creativity. Deliverables include a responsive desktop and mobile site, three project zines, a poster, a social media campaign, and a discord server.
Research + Flow:
Research: According to The Journal of Positive Psychology, “Spending time on creative goals during the day is associated with higher activated positive affect. Overall, these findings support the emerging emphasis on everyday creativity as a means of cultivating positive psychological functioning".
Field Research: Participants responded to a form that asked questions surrounding creative pursuits and mental health. There were negative emotions expressed when asked the question, "What stands between you and trying new creative practices”?
The research conducted informed this project by providing a clear objective: to solve the lack of accessible creative resources for short-term creative projects addressing various mental health issues. How to Make Something seeks to address issues of mental health and productivity by providing simple and accessible projects in order to encourage creativity.

We are a platform that encourages people to create, and because of this our logos and branding can be reinterpreted how our users see fit. We use a combination of our wordmark, secondary mark, and icons throughout our physical and digital experience.

Logos and Marks

How to Make Something Digital Experience

Social Media Campaign

Project Zines

Zine cover

Zine Poster
Final Product
How to Make Something offers space for productivity and community for those looking to learn new skills or improve their mental health through creativity.
Howtomakesomething.org provides resources for three projects that were developed with mental health in mind. From the site, users can connect to their local and online communities by downloading instructional zines and then distributing them or by joining our discord server.
Users can also give back by donating to our site, the proceeds will be distributed to keep How to Make Something running as well as The Art Therapy Project, a non-profit dedicated to providing creative mental health resources to children in emotional distress.