In project 4 of Interaction Design, we were tasked with creating an immersive experience for the Eugene Stone Stadium, the home of the University of South Carolina Women’s Soccer team. We were split up into groups of three and provided with design work made in other classes earlier this semester to create experiences for different parts of the stadium. The posters that were created in Visual and Verbal Interaction and the promotion videos created in Time and Sequence were meant to be displayed on the scoreboard. These assets were designed for the UofSC’s Spring 2023 theme: play.
I had the opportunity of working with Jadyn Velpula and Fabiana Echeverri to design for the field. The field portion of this project included everything that is visible from the stands. We were thankful for this because we knew we had to come up with a solution that tied together the other group’s experiences while preserving the actual field. We came up with two solutions: one physical, which can be experienced by anyone, and the other in augmented reality, which in theory would also be highly accessible. Because this project required that we didn’t make any new work, we took the play posters and converted them to greyscale so that they were cohesive. There was a lot to consider when deciding on placement because of existing signage and other physical barriers. We decided to use the six windows at the back of the Gamecock Soccer Complex as a canvas. Because of the physical constraints in creating an immersive experience for the field we knew augmented reality would allow us to play around with various The augmented reality experience component of this project allowed us to push our concepts and play with our ideas with this project. We wanted to create a world that honored the players and allowed fans to interact with them. We took images of the starters of the team, made them larger than life, and put them in their respective positions on the field and animated them so that when the user pushes the play button, they jump, spin, and run around the field. If this user clicks on any one of the players individually, they will be taken to their player statistics on the team’s website. Overall, I enjoyed this project as it took the work that I and many others created in other classes and implemented them in a way that people can interact with and experience more than visually.